Monday, January 25, 2010

Today… help me to rest in Your plan

Today my prayers are for my Caden, Ellie, and Will. Please help me continue to rest in God's sovereign plan for each of their lives.

I ask Lord, that You will help me continue to be the best earthly parent for them as I seek Your wisdom and guidance for the remainder of the precious time You have given Rick and I to spend with each of them. Help me to rest in the knowledge that our sweet Michael is rejoicing in the midst of all of Your glory and splendor as I type here in this dark world that I live. There is no darkness where Michael is. There is no pain. There are no tears. You are my hope for this day. Thank You for Your undeserving grace and love that You have shared for me and my family. I don't deserve an ounce of this compassion, nor will I ever fully understand. Michael does. Give me patience as I wait for that day to be united again. Already it has felt like an eternity since Michael has left me. I can only do this with You. Amen.


1 comment:

Polly said...

Your words reflect your great sorrow, yet I hear your strength that only He can give & will continue to do so....we're praying much for Pastor, yourself, & your precious children....may God continue to hold you up in His mighty arms.....

In the coming days, if there is anything we can do or if you need a listening ear, please call, day or night.....

That picture is so precious....what an honor to God it shows & such a blessing to you & your family.....

Our love to you & yours,

Paul & Polly

Honduras July 2010